Snarky Sharks
a story by Stephanie Shaw

Snarky Sharks
a story by Stephanie Shaw

The Day The Puddles Stomped Back
a story by Heidi Schulz published in the Oregon Reads Aloud anthology

The Day The Puddles Stomped Back
a story by Heidi Schulz published in the Oregon Reads Aloud anthology

Ted's Ice Cream
from Bo & Zip Get Ice Cream

Bo & Zip: Piggybank
from Bo & Zip Get Ice Cream

Bo & Zip: Hammock
from Bo & Zip Get Ice Cream

Little Witches: Dragon Visit
from Little Witches Up All Night

Little Witches: Lanterns
from Little Witches Up All Night

Life of Pu


Pedalpalooza Poster
Poster for fun Portland bike event Pedalpalooza.

The Bored Bored Princess: The Black Bird
from The Bored Bored Princess. A story by Mykle Hansen.

The Bored Bored Princess: Dead
from The Bored Bored Princess. A story by Mykle Hansen.

The Bored Bored Princess: Isle of Ennui
from The Bored Bored Princess. A story by Mykle Hansen.

The Bored Bored Princess: Tower of Tedium
from The Bored Bored Princess. A story by Mykle Hansen.



brush brush!


Liver Pirates
Liver Pirates ahoy!

Slug & Snail

Tornado Over Kansas
from My Oz

The Deadly Poppies
from My Oz

PLanet Sandypants
from The Astroturf Planets.

Planet Baaaaaa
from The Astroturf Planets.

Mr. O and Mr. U

Happy Mobile

Scared Mobile

Peace Antlers
